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About Us


postal address/workshop: 7621 Pécs, Szent István tér 4.
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
phone: +3670 340 33 26, 06 72 233 459 (weekdays between 7.30am-12.30 pm)
headquarters: 7634 Pécs, Nagydeindol u. 36.
tax number: 18324819-1-02
bank: CIB BANK 10700055-65597224-51100005


founder: Kovács Edit
president of the foundation: Sleiner Tamás
art director: Thiesz Angéla
workshop leader: Vókó Tünde
accountant: Biczó Józsefné
social media manager: Kupás Péter
film: Pamuki Krisztián
web: Bérces Tamás, Peták Timót Zakariás, Szűcs Soma


founded: 2004. memorandum of association
yearly reports (in Hungarian): 2018. 2017. 2016. 2015. 2014. 2013. 2012. 2011. 2010.


Our products are currently available directly from us, please inquire about prices through email. Please expect a reply within three work days.


You can support the work of Retextil through the following methods: 

-by offering 1% of your personal income tax.
tax number of beneficiary: 18324819-1-02
name of beneficiary: Retextil Alapítvány

-monetary donation.
name of beneficiary: Retextil Alapítvány
bank account number: CIB BANK 10700055-65597224-51100005
IBAN number: HU 44 1070 0055 6559 7224 5110 0005

-used clothes and textiles donation.
people with used or outgrown but clean clothes or textiles, enterpreneurs with unsold, depreciated or outdated clothes or textiles. Before bringing your donation to the workshop, please call us or send an email so we can schedule an appointment. Thank you!